All praise is for the Lord of the worlds, Peace be upon Prophet
Mohammad, his companions and the followers.
Different regions of the world differ in their laws. People, who
follow the laws, believe them to be the base of the life. People
from other religions follow their personal laws, which are based
on their culture and customs. In Islam the source of the law is the
divine revelation. Where as in other religions, rules and
regulations are drafted based on the habits and customs that are
adopted since long period. Hence, they can be amended and
modified to compensate with the changes in their culture. But the
same is not true for Islam. As the Islamic laws are divine, it is not
possible for human beings to modify them according to their will
and wish. Any change in the Islamic law means the change in the
basic structure of the divine religion.
The Islamic personal law covers several instructions related to the
personal and marital issues of a person. For a Muslim, accepting
this law is the base of his faith. Refusal or modification in the
Islamic law implies rejection of the faith. Hence, Muslims cannot
amend or modify this law to compensate the advances in the
culture or customs, as the law is applicable for all types of
situations. Further, the Islamic law is defined by the God based on
the requirements and necessities of mankind. Since, the God, the
creator is aware of all the weaknesses and nature of a man he
knows how to formulate the laws that are most suitable for him. It
is not within the capacity of a man to draft the laws for mankind.